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- Associations & Chapters
Associations & Chapters
Associations & Chapters
2019 82nd Convention -Washington D.C.
All American Week 2019
All American Week 2020
Post 164
Puerto Rico ROTC
The Civil Affairs Association
Association Holiday Fundraiser
Central Ohio Chapter
The Pipeliner's Association of Houston
504th Parachute Infantry Regiment Association
Psychological Operations Regimental Association
Central Pennsylvania Chapter
Kentucky Chapter
South Florida All Airborne Chapter
Tampa Bay All Airborne Chapter
Tillman E. Beikes Chapter
- Clearance
- 1st Armored Division
- 2nd Infantry Division
- 3rd Armored Division
- 3rd Marine Division
- 7th CAV
- 7th Infantry Division
- 9th Infantry Division
- 9th Infantry Regiment
- 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment
- 18th Airborne Corps
- 23rd Infantry Division
- 25th Infantry Division
- 27th Engineers
- 29th Infantry Division
- 75th Ranger Regiment
- 82nd Airborne Division
- 101st Airborne Division
- 173rd Airborne
- 193rd Infantry Brigade
- 193rd Infantry Brigade (Airborne)
- 198th Light Infantry Brigade
- US Army Special Forces
- Yeager Designs
- America First Clothing
- Decals/Stickers/Magnets
- Wench Tickler
- 82nd Airborne Division Museum
- 1st Squadron 17th Cavalry Regiment
- 3/4 Air Defense Artillery
- 3/73rd Armor
- 307th Combat Engineer Battalion
- 313th MI Battalion
- 319th Field Artillery Regiment
- 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment
- 407th Brigade Support Battalion
- 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment
- 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment
- 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment
- 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment
- 782nd Maintenance Battalion
- 82nd Aviation Brigade
- 82nd Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion
- 82nd Signal Battalion
- Division Products
- U.S. Army Qualification Badges
- US Army Basic Parachutist Badge (Combat Jump)
- Basic Wings w/ 2 Combat Jumps
- US Army Senior Parachutist Badge (Combat Jump)
- US Army Master Parachutist Badge (Combat Jump)
- US Army Basic Parachutist Badge
- US Army Senior Parachutist Badge
- US Army Master Parachutist Badge
- Pathfinder
- Senior Halo
- Master HALO
- US Army Combat Diver
- Drill Sergeant Badge
- Combat Action Badge
- Combat Medical Badge
- Expert Field Medical Badge
- Expert Infantryman's Badge
- Combat Infantryman's Badge
- Combat Infantryman's Badge 2nd Award
- Air Assault Badge
- U.S. Army Rigger
- US Army Aviator
- US Army "Senior" Aviator
- US Army "Master" Aviator
- Explosive Ordinance Disposal
- Explosive Ordinance Disposal -Senior
- Explosive Ordinance Disposal -Master
- US Army Master Recruiter
- US Army Recruiter
- Multinational Force & Observers
- Jungle Expert Badge
- US Army Ranger Tab
- US Army Special Forces Tab
- Sapper Tab
- Veteran Series
- Associations & Chapters
- 2019 82nd Convention -Washington D.C.
- All American Week 2019
- All American Week 2020
- Post 164
- Puerto Rico ROTC
- The Civil Affairs Association
- Association Holiday Fundraiser
- Central Ohio Chapter
- The Pipeliner's Association of Houston
- 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment Association
- Psychological Operations Regimental Association
- Central Pennsylvania Chapter
- Kentucky Chapter
- South Florida All Airborne Chapter
- Tampa Bay All Airborne Chapter
- Tillman E. Beikes Chapter
- Challenge Coins
- U.S. Army Units
- I Corps
- III Corps
- V Corps
- VII Corps
- I Field Force
- II Field Force
- US Military Assistance Command-Vietnam
- US Military Assistance Command (Airborne)-Vietnam
- 1st Aviation Brigade
- 1st Signal Brigade
- 1st Infantry Division
- 1st Special Operations Command
- 1st Armored Division
- 1st Cavalry Division (Airborne)
- 1st Cavalry Division
- 1st Theater Sustainment Command
- 2nd Armored Division
- 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment
- 2nd Infantry Division
- 3rd Armored Division
- 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment
- 3rd Infantry Division
- 4th Infantry Division
- 4th Armored Division
- 5th Infantry Division
- 5-87 Infantry
- 6th Infantry Division
- 6th Infantry Division (Airborne)
- 7th Cavalry Regiment
- 7th Infantry Division
- United States 7th Army
- 8th Infantry Division
- 8th Infantry Division (Airborne)
- 9th Infantry Division
- 10th Mountain Division
- 11th Airborne Division
- 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment
- 16th Military Police Brigade
- 18th Airborne Corps
- 18th Field Artillery Brigade
- 18th Field Artillery Brigade (Airborne)
- 18th Military Police Brigade
- 20th Engineer Brigade
- 20th Engineer Brigade (Airborne)
- 23rd Infantry Division -Americal
- 24th Infantry Division
- 25th Infantry Division
- 25th Infantry Division (Airborne)
- 27th Engineer Battalion (Airborne)
- 28th Infantry Division
- 29th Infantry Division
- 29th Infantry Brigade
- 30th Infantry Division
- 30th Armored Division
- 32nd Army Air Defense Command
- 32nd Infantry Brigade
- 34th Infantry Division
- 35th Infantry Division
- 35th Signal Brigade (Airborne)
- 35th Signal Brigade
- 36th Infantry Division
- 36th Infantry Division (Airborne)
- 38th Infantry Division
- 40th Infantry Division
- 44th Medical Brigade
- 45th Infantry Division
- 49th Armored Division
- 56th Field Artillery Command
- 62nd Medical Brigade
- 75th Ranger Regiment
- 82nd Airborne Division
- 1st Squadron 17th Cavalry Regiment (Airborne)
- 3/4 Air Defense Artillery (Airborne)
- 3/73rd Armor (Airborne)
- 307th Combat Engineer Battalion (Airborne)
- 313th MI Battalion (Airborne)
- 319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment
- 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment
- 407th Brigade Support Battalion
- 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment
- 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment
- 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment
- 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment
- 782nd Maintenance Battalion
- 82nd Signal Battalion
- 82nd Aviation Brigade
- 82nd Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion
- Division Products
- O Company 75th Infantry
- 101st Airborne Division
- 130th Engineer Brigade
- 172nd Infantry Brigade (Airborne)
- 172nd Infantry Brigade
- 173rd Airborne Brigade
- 193rd Infantry Brigade
- 193rd Infantry Brigade (Airborne)
- 196th Infantry Brigade
- 197th Infantry Brigade
- 198th Infantry Brigade
- 199th Infantry Brigade
- 218th Infantry Brigade
- 509th Parachute Infantry Regiment
- 1-509th Joint Readiness Training Center
- 525th MI Brigade (Airborne)
- ARCENT-Third Army
- Berlin Brigade
- COSCOM (Airborne)
- JFK Special Warfare Center
- Joint Security Area (JSA)
- SETAF (Southern European Task Force)
- U.S. Army Special Operations Command USASOC
- US Special Operations Command
- U.S. Army Security Agency
- US Army Honor Guard
- US Army Infantry School
- US Army Advanced Airborne School (Ft Bragg)
- US Army Special Forces
- 1st Special Forces Group
- 3rd Special Forces Group
- 5th Special Forces Group
- 5th Special Forces Group V1
- 7th Special Forces Group
- 8th Special Forces Group
- 10th Special Forces Group
- 10th Special Forces Group (Europe)
- 11th Special Forces Group
- 12th Special Forces Group
- 19th Special Forces Group
- 20th Special Forces Group
- 46th Special Forces Group
- Special Forces Product
- U.S. Army Civil Affairs & Psyops Command
- Operation Just Cause
- Headgear
- 75th Ranger Regiment
- 82nd Airborne Division
- 1st Squadron 17th Cavalry Regiment (Airborne)
- 3-73 Armor
- 3/4 Air Defense Artillery
- 307th Combat Engineers
- 313th Military Intelligence
- 319th Field Artillery
- 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment
- 407th BSB
- 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment
- 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment
- 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment
- 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment
- 82nd Aviation
- 82nd Headquarters
- 82nd Signal Battalion
- Division Headgear
- 101st Airborne Division
- US Marine Corps
- Military Jewelry
- Static Line Products